Five Ideas For Google Font Pairings

launch date — October 9, 2020

When you start creating a brand, there are so many factors to consider and design assets to gather. Most people think about the logo first, brand colors, services, etc. One aspect that many people forget to focus on when creating their brand: fonts! Font pairings have a huge impact on how people perceive your brand.

Whatever font pairings you choose for your brand will be used anywhere you are marketing yourself: social media graphics, your website, print marketing materials, social ads, and more. If you have no idea where to start when it comes to font pairings, we’ve put together some simple ones using Google Fonts (a.k.a. FREE fonts)!

Libre Baskerville & Montserrat

This image shows the libre baskerville and montserrat font pairing.

This is a great font pairing for those of you who are looking for a starting point. You want to be sure you’re creating font pairings with contrast. In this pairing, contrast is combining a serif font and a sans serif font.

Get the fonts here:

Libre Baskerville


Abril Fatface and Lato

This image shows the abril fatface and lato font pairing.

If you’re looking for more of a statement font, Abril Fatface is for you! This is a bold font that will draw the attention of its readers and can bring an air of elegance to your marketing material.

Get the fonts here:

Abril Fatface


Playfair Display & Source Sans Pro

This image shows the playfair display and source sans pro font pairing.

Similar to the Libre Baskerville pairing, this pairing is well-balanced and simple. The unique thing about Playfair Display is that it has a number of variations that can really change the look of the font by choosing the bold or italic options!

Get the fonts here:

Playfair Display

Source Sans Pro

Stint Ultra & Roboto Mono Light

This image shows the stint ultra and roboto mono light font pairing.

If you’re looking for a more funky & large header font, consider this pairing of Stint Ultra and Roboto Mono Light. This is super legible so it would be great for big headlines! We also paired this with Roboto Mono Light for simplicity, but if you were thinking about a bolder font, Roboto has many different variations.

Get the fonts here:

Stint Ultra

Roboto Mono Light

Sacramento & Alice

Here’s a pairing for those script font lovers! This font pairing would lend itself to a more feminine brand. Readers will be drawn to the script font that is a perfect balance of elegance while still feeling approachable because of its hand-lettering quality.

Get the fonts here:



BONUS: La Luxes Script & La Luxes Serif

As a bonus, we’re including our latest font obsession. This one isn’t free, but it’s so great we have to share!

Get the fonts here: La Luxes Fonts

If you want to explore more font pairings, check out this tool we found Font Joy. Fun fact, all of our DIY website templates are 100% customizable, so if. you aren’t a fan of the font pairings we have on there, you can choose one of these!

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