What’s the Deal with Instagram Stories?

launch date — June 26, 2020

We’re finishing off our June Instagram tips & tricks with one more informational read to help you enhance your profile! This week’s topic: Instagram Stories. Did you know that 75% of businesses will utilize Instagram this year and brands post an average of 2.5 Stories per week? While most of the app’s demographic is between the ages of 18-29, about 23% of users are ages 50-64. So when you post on Instagram, the amount of viewers who are able to see your content is astronomical. 

Instagram Stories were added to Instagram in August 2016 with Live Stories later introduced in November 2016. But how can you take advantage of this Instagram concept to promote your business?

The benefits

Stories aren’t just fun and entertaining for users to engage with, but they also drive sales and build brand awareness. Over the years, the number of feed posts on Instagram (actual pictures posted on accounts) has gradually declined. With this change came the rise of 24-hour Stories that appear at the top of the Instagram home page.

Over time, more and more features have been added to easily allow for effortless engagement with your target audience. Stories also invite instant feedback from your clients.

Boosting engagement

One feature to take advantage of on your Stories is the “Poll” sticker. This is a button that can be added to your content proposing two answers to a certain topic. It allows your audience to choose which option they like the best. It also shows you what your followers want to see next.

For example, you could post a question asking your audience what they would like in an upcoming blog post. By including two choices, you can gain a better understanding of what would attract more attention.

Another relevant Stories feature is the “Questions” sticker. This allows you to obtain feedback and discover any questions that your followers might have about your business.

Say you post a statement asking your audience to share anything they might be interested in regarding your product or service. You can then easily reply to any responses you receive by tapping on them to type an answer. 

From quizzes to polls, Instagram Stories make engaging with your followers simple and fun!

Driving sales

When you come across a Story that has a button at the bottom of the screen titled, “Learn More,” this means that the post is linked to another site. By swiping up, you will be taken to another page most likely displaying products or services available for purchase. 

To provide your audience with an explanation as to why they should swipe up, simply add a sentence promoting what you’re advertising. Adding an animation or gif will grab your followers’ attention and make your post stand out against others.

Instagram Story Ads are guaranteed to increase sales. They are a great way to promote your brand and business to your already existing or potential clients. In fact, statistics show that 75% of users visit a website or purchase a product after coming across an Instagram ad.

By using Facebook’s Ads manager, you can design advertisements to display on your Stories. Instagram ads are similar to Facebook ads in the sense that they include targeting based on demographics, location, behaviors, etc. 

In conclusion

Instagram is taking over the world of marketing. We hope you gained a little insight on how to utilize one of the most important features this app has to offer. By taking advantage of Instagram Stories, your biz will stand out and your audience will thank you. Subscribe to our email list and keep an eye out for next week’s blog!

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